Local Time
- Timezone: America/New_York
- Date: Jan 27 2022
- Time: 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
ARC Prayer Meetup – Denver, CO
Pastors, church staff, church leaders, and their spouses are all invited to join us for a special Prayer Day 2022 meetup! We’ll spend time praying for each other, our cities, our churches, the lost, and believing for an incredible year of ministry in 2022. For those who would like to connect more relationally, plan to hang around for coffee at the church or grab some lunch together afterwards at aa local restaurant. Be sure to RSVP and invite others in the area to RSVP and attend as well! We can’t wait to see you for a powerful time of prayer and worship!
(We’re located upstairs on the south side of the building #2600, and you can enter at the glass atrium under our church sign.)