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Global Missions & Outreach

World Compassion

Since 1969, World Compassion has been carrying the hope of Jesus into nations where the Gospel is restricted or even opposed. Our mission is to empower the persecuted church in these regions, equipping believers to bring both spiritual and physical transformation to their communities. By partnering with local churches, we create opportunities for lasting impact and sustainable ministry growth.

The challenges in the nations we serve require us to be adaptable, responding to unique opportunities and tailoring our support to help churches effectively reach their people. Currently, we’re focused on Iran, Iraq, China, Burma, and Cuba—nations where we provide training, discipleship, humanitarian aid, church planting, evangelism, and the distribution of Bibles and Christian literature.

World Compassion operates out of Tulsa, Oklahoma, with additional offices in Canada and the United Kingdom, working globally to fulfill the Great Commission.

Special Resources for the ARC Family

Local and International Outreach Consultation

The Church is the foundation in which truth permeates society and becomes the launching pad to reach people who need Jesus! The truth that God’s Church stands for is the very force that brings stability and strength to a global culture that is being shaken! Let’s jump on a call and help you clarify and streamline your outreach strategy so we can take ground together in reaching more people in your city and around the world.

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Let's Get in Touch

Jason Law


Jason Law is president of World Compassion, founded in 1969 by his father, Dr. Terry Law. Jason’s passion to equip local churches to unite and reach their cities together through service both domestically and in nations that are hostile to the Gospel drives the mission and initiatives of World Compassion in countries like Burma, China, Iraq and the U.S. Under his leadership, World Compassion has supplied over one million meals to refugees in the Middle East, provided medical care for thousands of refugees in camps across Kurdistan and Northern Iraq, and given out thousands of items of clothing, heaters, and other necessities. His passion for unity in the Body of Christ has also been a consistent message impacting the mission strategy of churches. Jason and his wife Beth are planted at Guts Church in Tulsa, OK along with their two children Addison and Logan.