Mike and Nancy
ARC Church Plant #730
Nova Church
Halifax, Nova Scotia
What motivated you to plant your church in Halifax?
We believe Halifax is a nation-shaping city, and if we can impact our city, we will impact Canada.
What do you love about your church and community?
Our church is characterized by a passion to serve others and to reach people we have never met. We are excited to invite people and create space in our lives for new relationships.
What has been one of your greatest moments since planting your church?
Our two teens still love getting up at 6 in the morning every Sunday to help the team pack the truck and then unload it and set up our venue. They have seen the hidden pressures and experienced the victories, and after two years they still love Jesus, His Church, and the journey of building the local church.
What has been one of the toughest moments you have experienced in ministry?
My wife and I often say that “we have stretch marks on our leadership capacity,” and it’s true. The church’s growth and momentum are wonderful but have challenged us to increase our leadership capacity and to grow spiritually.
What is the biggest change you have seen in yourself or your church since you planted?
I am more relaxed than ever as I have been learning the rhythms of seasons and pace. Our great team has relieved the pressure on Nancy and me, so we feel less uptight.
What do you want to share with someone thinking about becoming a church planter?
Everything comes back to your heart and motives. Why do you want to plant? Church planting is purposeful and rewarding, but it has been the most challenging thing we have ever done. We thank God our “why” is rooted in loving our city and in God’s call because if we were doing this for any other reasons we wouldn’t have made it this far.
How has being a part of ARC had an impact on your life and family?
ARC has given us something no book, website, nor podcast can offer: purpose-filled relationships. In an age when information is flowing freely, we are thankful for a life-giving community both near and far with people who care about us and help us practically navigate this journey.