Let me encourage you from scripture. I was reading the story of Joshua. Right after he became a leader, he’s following Moses, and he comes to his first obstacle. He has to take the children of Israel across the Jordan River. To make matters worse, it’s at flood time. Joshua goes to the Lord, and the Lord gives him a plan. They get across the river, and once they are on the other side, God tells him to make a monument there.
Some of us may feel like Joshua. Maybe you’re a young leader that’s just transitioned a church from a more experienced veteran. Or perhaps you’re getting ready to plant a church, or you haven’t led a church very long. No matter what stage of ministry you are in, we’re all facing this obstacle together – COVID-19.
You may have thought, am I capable? Will I be able to lead? And in our darker moments, we wonder, will there be people on the other side of this? What about the resources? What about finances?
Well, I’ve got good news for you. Just like Joshua, this situation is not a surprise to God. God wasn’t surprised by the flood tide at the Jordan, and God is not surprised by what you and I are facing today.
In Joshua 4:14 it says, “That day the Lord exalted Joshua in the sight of all Israel; and they stood in awe of him all the days of his life, just as they had stood in awe of Moses.” Here is an obstacle. Joshua is not fearful. He’s full of faith. He’s not discouraged, but he’s encouraged in the Lord. He leads the people to a victory, and that victory establishes his leadership in the eyes of the people.
God is going to lead you to victory in this season. Do not be afraid or discouraged. Stay in faith. When you come through, God is going to establish your leadership like nothing you’ve seen before. I believe that for you. I believe it’s true because we’ve seen examples of it in God’s word.
Not only are we going to get through, but we’re going to get through together, as the ARC Family. Family takes care of one another. We’re going to help each other through it. I believe that the best is yet to come.
Greg Surratt
President, ARC