What has been one of the most defining ministry moments in your life?
About nine weeks into our church plant, it was the perfect storm for a day that would seem like all hope was lost and we had failed. It was the Sunday following Thanksgiving. The weather was terrible, and we had gone from our launch of 380 down to 91 people in attendance. That day, the Holy Spirit whispered to my soul, “Are you ready to give me back the Church yet?” Man, I was speechless. There I was, 27 years old, clueless, fearful, and broken. And I said, “Yes, I am ready. Do what you want with me and this ministry.” Today, we are six years old and have documented over 1000 salvations in Sunday Worship Gatherings. I truly believe it’s because I resigned as God and surrendered as Pastor of Piedmont Chapel. All glory and praise be unto Him, for the great things He has done!

What is your church known for in your community?
We draw many creatives to our ministry, and the biggest response we hear from the community is that we are diverse in many ways (age, income, background, and the like).
Choose one word to describe the story of your life or your church. Why?
Authenticity. It’s been a slow and steady journey of discovering who we are and who we are called to reach. We have done this intentionally and been open to allowing God to reveal our identity over these past six years.
Is there anything else you want to share with us about your journey in ministry or where your church is today?
We are thankful for ARC in so many ways. Piedmont Chapel would not exist if not for this organization. ARC saw in us what we did not see in ourselves.
Join us for ARC Conference this October, as we celebrate the stories that have made the past 20 years of ARC so special, and look forward to the many more yet to be told. Visit arcconference.com to register.
Your story is our story. We want to hear from you! Visit www.arcchurches.com/shareyourstory to share what God has done in you and your local church.