UNSCRIPTED follows ARC Executive Director Dino Rizzo as he visits with incredible pastors and leaders around the world. These leaders are serving and giving their lives to the cause of Jesus Christ and making a huge difference in their communities.

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They get raw and real, discussing stories of church planting, leadership, struggles, and relationships- all UNSCRIPTED, of course. You’ll witness the incredible strength in diversity as he explores different regions and churches that each have their own cultures and experiences.

Dino and Delynn Rizzo planted Healing Place Church in Baton Rouge in 1993 and pastored there for 20 years. During that time, the church grew from a handful of people to more than 10,000 weekly attendees. The church became known for outreach and serving the city – A healing place for a hurting world.
In 2013, Dino and Delynn moved to Birmingham, AL, and Dino became the Executive Director of ARC, an organization he co-founded. ARC has planted more than 1,000 churches in the U.S. and globally. Delynn has been involved in Worship and Ministry to Women all her ministry life. In ARC, she oversees Worship at all ARC Conferences and oversees ARC Women.